Selasa, 06 September 2011

Propolis Testimonials

Propolis Testimonials

  1. Royale Manuka Propolis has helped me tremendously and made a significant difference in the quality of my life.
    As a diabetic, I have to be very concern about cuts and scraps as healing is very difficult and can lead to amputation. I had been suffering with a reoccurring systemic infection complicated by cellulitis (inflammation of the cellular tissue).
    This condition causes poor circulation and pain in my legs. The skin on my legs became very rough and dry. The pains in my legs were like nightmares.
    I began using samples of Royale Manuka Propolis in April of 2006, since then, I have improved from being bed ridden, to getting about in a wheelchair, then to a walker and now I am only using a cane, in just 4 months.
    Twice a day I sprayed a few drops of Royale Manuka Propolis on my heel to irrigate the ulcer. It is very difficult for a diabetic ulcer to heal, however, the Propolis have accelerated the healing process in a short period of time.
    I currently take 10 drops in water or in my glass of juice, orally; as well as irrigating my heal ulcer twice a day. I would recommend it for anyone who is a diabetic with or without complications.
    Mr. Chai Jin Leong. 50 years old, Cheras
  1. My husband has diabetes and as a result had a toe removed. It wasn't healing - the Dr. said that the foot would have to come off. We were not ready for that so when I found your web site I decided it was worth a try. In 6 weeks the surgical wound was completely healed. We are very happy with the results. So I will always keep one bottle at all times.
    Jaime Lai, Klang.
  1. I am an engineer. My name is Ahmad Faiz and I live in Sitiawan. Iworked for several years in Sitiawan. I was infected with malaria. It was very serious and doctors said that I would die as the fever persisted. The malaria virus has started attacking several of my organs.
    Then I started taking raw Propolis and shortly after that I felt better and slowly recovered. I could now continue with my life back as an engineer. I am now a strong supporter of Royale Manuka Propolis.
    This reminds me that malaria is one of the main causes of death in Africa and in that continent an excellent quality Propolis was discovered.
    Ahmad Faiz, Sitiawan.
  1. "I was suffering from a very bad sore throat. I couldn't even swallow. My glands swelled, I decided to try Royale Manuka Propolis, which is a natural antibiotic. I took about 20 drops. WOW! Within an hour my throat was better. I was able to swallow and the unbearable pain was gone."
    William Tham, Pulau Pinang
Content source:

Propolis Platinum merupakan propolis cair tanpa kandungan alkohol yang berasal dari negara Brazil dan dikenal sebagai propolis hijau terbaik yang dihasilkan di dunia. Propolis mengandung flavonoid dengan kadar tinggi, yang membantu meningkatkan sistem imun. Penurunan sistem imun menyebabkan tubuh mudah terserang penyakit. Pengunaan Propolis Platinum secara teratur akan membantu meningkatkan sistem imun. Flavonoid merupakan komponen tumbuhan yang memiliki sifat sebagai bahan-bahan antijamur, antibakteri, antivirus, antioksidan dan anti-inflamasi dengan berkualitas tinggi. Bisa digunakan untuk pengobatan diabetes melitus,stroke, hepatitis,kanker, hipertensi, tuberkulosis, batu ginjal, hiv / aids. Bisa dibeli online di UNTUK PEMESANAN HUBUNGI BIN MUHSIN HP: 085227044550 Tlp: 021-91913103 SMS ONLY: 081213143797@MyYM @MyFacebook @MyTwitter @MyYuwie @MyFriendster

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